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Hexa Etch Gel
37% 50ml Syringes Blue JUMBO
Medical & Non-Medical Gloves
Disinfectants, Wipes, Sprays
Dental, Medical, Non-Medical Masks
SKU: KYS-5920262
AVAILABILITY: In stock (100 items)
PRODUCT TYPE: Casting Crucibles
VENDOR: Keystone
Tri-Dynamics Slotted Crucible-White (#59) This Tri-Dynamics Slotted Crucible fits centrifugal casting machines, including Kerr and Emesco. It’s designed with a flat inner table to allow for less turbulence. This crucible is coded for easy identification of metals. Features: –...
SKU: KYS-5920261
Tri-Dynamics Slotted Crucible-Blue (#59) This Tri-Dynamics Slotted Crucible fits centrifugal casting machines, including Kerr and Emesco. It’s designed with a flat inner table to allow for less turbulence. This crucible is coded for easy identification of metals. Features: –...
SKU: KYS-5920260
Tri-Dynamics Slotted Crucible-Gold (#59) This Tri-Dynamics Slotted Crucible fits centrifugal casting machines, including Kerr and Emesco. It’s designed with a flat inner table to allow for less turbulence. This crucible is coded for easy identification of metals. Features: –...
SKU: KYS-1700140
PRODUCT TYPE: Casting Machine
Casting Rings Solid 3-1/2 X 2-1/2 All Keystone Casting Rings are made of a stainless steel. Even after facing repeat heat applications, they maintain precision fitting and stable in size. This ensures a long life. Features: – Stainless steel– High-Temperature...
SKU: KYS-1700147
PRODUCT TYPE: Casting Rings & Formers
Crucible Rubber Formers 3-1/2″ Diameter The Crucible Formers have a tapered ring design for easy removal of mold. These are made of rubber for long lasting and reliable performance. These eliminate the need for ring liner. Features: – Available Diameter Sizes:...
SKU: BFL-28008
VENDOR: Buffalo
AccuCast with Adapter Only 28008 The rugged, improved, patented centrifugal casting machine with precalibrated balancing that helps ensure superior, dense castings every time. The rugged construction promotes safe operation and a long life, and the positive locking crucible carrier secures...
SKU: KYS-1700120
Casting Rings Solid 2-1/2 X 2 All Keystone Casting Rings are made of a stainless steel. Even after facing repeat heat applications, they maintain precision fitting and stable in size. This ensures a long life. Features: – Stainless steel– High-Temperature...
SKU: BFL-28017
No. 35A Casting Cradle for AccuCast 28017 No. 35A Casting Cradle for AccuCast 3-1/2" diameter flask. Stainless steel custom fit construction.
SKU: KYS-1700146
Crucible Rubber Sprue Formers 3″ Diameter The Crucible Formers have a tapered ring design for easy removal of mold. These are made of rubber for long lasting and reliable performance. These eliminate the need for ring liner. Features: – Available...
SKU: KYS-1700130
Casting Rings Solid 3 X 2-1/2 All Keystone Casting Rings are made of a stainless steel. Even after facing repeat heat applications, they maintain precision fitting and stable in size. This ensures a long life. Features: – Stainless steel– High-Temperature...
SKU: KYS-1700110
Casting Rings Solid 2 X 2 All Keystone Casting Rings are made of a stainless steel. Even after facing repeat heat applications, they maintain precision fitting and stable in size. This ensures a long life. Features: – Stainless steel– High-Temperature resistant– Available...
SKU: KYS-1700100
Casting Rings Solid 1-3/4 X 1-3/4 All Keystone Casting Rings are made of a stainless steel. Even after facing repeat heat applications, they maintain precision fitting and stable in size. This ensures a long life. Features: – Stainless steel– High-Temperature resistant–...
SKU: KYS-1280020
High Heat Silica Crucibles Type ‘A’ Slotted – 2/Pkg These High Heat Silica Crucibles are manufactured specially for Keystone Industries. The high-quality silica is able to withstand high temperatures while remaining non-contaminating. Features: – Available Items: Hi Heat Type A,...
SKU: KYS-1280010
AVAILABILITY: In stock (93 items)
High Heat Silica Crucibles Type A – 2/Pkg These High Heat Silica Crucibles are manufactured specially for Keystone Industries. The high-quality silica is able to withstand high temperatures while remaining non-contaminating. Features: – Available Items: Hi Heat Type A, Hi-Heat Type...
SKU: KYS-1070090
Casting Rings Solid 1-3/4 X 1-1/2 All Keystone Casting Rings are made of a stainless steel. Even after facing repeat heat applications, they maintain precision fitting and stable in size. This ensures a long life. Features: – Stainless steel– High-Temperature resistant– Available...
SKU: KYS-1070085
Casting Rings 1-1/2 X 1-3/4 All Keystone Casting Rings are made of a stainless steel. Even after facing repeat heat applications, they maintain precision fitting and stable in size. This ensures a long life. Features: – Stainless steel– High-Temperature resistant–...
SKU: BFL-28007
AccuCast™ Premium Casting Machine Complete The rugged, improved, patented centrifugal casting machine with precalibrated balancing that helps ensure superior, dense castings every time. The rugged construction promotes safe operation and a long life, and the positive locking crucible carrier secures...
SKU: KYS-1070080
Casting Rings Solid 1-1/2 X 1-1/2 All Keystone Casting Rings are made of a stainless steel. Even after facing repeat heat applications, they maintain precision fitting and stable in size. This ensures a long life. Features: – Stainless steel– High-Temperature...
SKU: KYS-1060080
Casting Ring Non-Asbestos Liner 3 H X 1/16 Thick Our Casting Ring Liner is made of refractory fibers that have a melting point in excess of 3,200F. The Liner is asbestos free and sold in 50-foot rolls. Various available sizes....
SKU: KYS-1060065
Casting Ring Non-Asbestos Liner – 1-3/4 H X 1/16 Thick Our Casting Ring Liner is made of refractory fibers that have a melting point in excess of 3,200F. The Liner is asbestos free and sold in 50-foot rolls. Various...
SKU: KYS-1070070
Casting Rings Solid 1-1/4 X 1-1/2 All Keystone Casting Rings are made of a stainless steel. Even after facing repeat heat applications, they maintain precision fitting and stable in size. This ensures a long life. Features: – Stainless steel– High-Temperature resistant–...
SKU: KYS-1060050
Casting Ring Non-Asbestos Liner – 1-1/2 H X 1/32 Thick Our Casting Ring Liner is made of refractory fibers that have a melting point in excess of 3,200F. The Liner is asbestos free and sold in 50-foot rolls. Various...
SKU: KYS-1070063
Casting Rings 1-1/4 X 2 All Keystone Casting Rings are made of a stainless steel. Even after facing repeat heat applications, they maintain precision fitting and stable in size. This ensures a long life. Features: – Stainless steel– High-Temperature resistant–...
SKU: KYS-1070060
Casting Rings 1-1/4 X 1-3/4 All Keystone Casting Rings are made of a stainless steel. Even after facing repeat heat applications, they maintain precision fitting and stable in size. This ensures a long life. Features: – Stainless steel– High-Temperature resistant–...
SKU: KYS-1070050
Casting Rings 1-1/4 X 1-1/4 All Keystone Casting Rings are made of a stainless steel. Even after facing repeat heat applications, they maintain precision fitting and stable in size. This ensures a long life. Features: – Stainless steel– High-Temperature resistant–...
SKU: KYS-1070040
Casting Rings 1-3/4 X 2 All Keystone Casting Rings are made of a stainless steel. Even after facing repeat heat applications, they maintain precision fitting and stable in size. This ensures a long life. Features: – Stainless steel– High-Temperature resistant–...
SKU: KYS-1060060
Casting Ring Non-Asbestos Liner – 1-3/4 H X 1/32 Thick Our Casting Ring Liner is made of refractory fibers that have a melting point in excess of 3,200F. The Liner is asbestos free and sold in 50-foot rolls. Various...
SKU: KYS-1060055
Casting Ring Non-Asbestos Liner – 1-1/2 H X 1/16 Thick Our Casting Ring Liner is made of refractory fibers that have a melting point in excess of 3,200F. The Liner is asbestos free and sold in 50-foot rolls. Various...
SKU: KYS-1060045
Casting Ring Non-Asbestos Liner – 1-1/4 H X 1/16 Thick Our Casting Ring Liner is made of refractory fibers that have a melting point in excess of 3,200F. The Liner is asbestos free and sold in 50-foot rolls. Various available...
SKU: BFL-28142
Buffalo Dental No. 25R Rubber Sprue Base - (2-1/2"). Single sprue base
SKU: BFL-28166
Large Flask Tong (For 3 1/2" Diameter Flasks) 28166
SKU: BFL-28165
Small Flask Tong (For Flasks up to 3" Diameter) 28165
SKU: BFL-28143
Buffalo Dental No. 35R Rubber Sprue Base - (3-1/2"). Single sprue base
SKU: BFL-28141
AVAILABILITY: In stock (99 items)
Buffalo Dental No. 17R Rubber Sprue Base - (1-3/4"). Single sprue base
SKU: BFL-28140
Buffalo Dental No. 12R Rubber Sprue Base - (1-1/4"). Single sprue base
SKU: BFL-28061
AccuCast No. 45 Ring Flask 3-1/2" x 5" casting ring
SKU: BFL-28060
AccuCast No. 35 Ring Flask 3-1/2" x 2-1/2" casting ring
SKU: BFL-28050
AccuCast No. 25 Ring Flask 2-1/2" x 2" casting ring
SKU: BFL-28040
AVAILABILITY: In stock (3 items)
AccuCast No. 17 Ring Flask 1-3/4" x 1-1/2" casting ring